The Dark Unicorns: The Complete Series
Dare watch the trailer?
- The Unicorn's Bride
- Captured By The Royals
- Rescued By The White Unicorn
Full-Lenght Novel - 200 pages

Who gets rescued from drowning in a lake by a damn UNICORN?!
This girl right here.
No. I was not hallucinating.
I was drowning.
It was like that scene from The Little Mermaid, where she rescues Eric and takes him to the shore, except I was in his shoes.
When I finally open my eyes to see what I believe is the "other side," I have my most profound realization yet:
God is gorgeous.
Except it is not God, and I am not on the other side -technically.
I learn his name is Renne and that he is actually a Prince.
What a fairy tale!
Something about this is just off.
Something about this feels terribly wrong.
First of all, I have a mark in my hand, from his hand.
Why is that?!
Second, he won't stop staring at me.
It is extremely distracting.
I confirm my suspicion when I intend to get back home, and he wouldn't let me.
Now I am convinced he is either a psychopath or there is something he is not telling me…
But which one is it?
Full-Lenght Novel - 200 pages

I wanted the money, but I failed miserably.
Now I'm stuck in a prison cell with a half-naked prick.
And a baby dragon that thinks I'm its momma.
Well, I really needed the gold.
So I took the mission to steal The Dragon's egg.
The plan was simple:
a) Get to the egg.
b) Grab the egg - very carefully.
c) Run.
But the unexpected happened.
I wasn't alone when I got there.
The dark-haired prick was awaiting me.
And he wasn't going to give up his treasure so easily.
But by the time we stopped squabbling, it was too late.
The egg hatched.
You gotta be kidding me!
Of course, we were caught and thrown into prison.
Thanks to him, I wasn't able to get away.
Now I'm stuck in this cell with a baby dragon and a lunatic who keeps taking his clothes off.
"It's too hot," he says.
Yeah, right.
How am I going to get out of this one?!
Full-Lenght Novel - 200 pages

Good girl. Make sure you swallow them both..."
They locked up in an asylum.
My own mother abandoned me.
"No one wants to be around a freak. You do something to them! You make me so angry!
I hate you."
They say I'm crazy because I see another world.
I see..other things.
And what's even worse...is that they may be right.
But just maybe.
I know Prince Callum is real.
I know what I feel is real.
I wish I could show them.
Come back to mom married to some hard-to-get super handsome prince...
One that actually loves this freak.
I Imagine all the pain, all the humiliation, just gone.
Yup, just like in fairy tales.
Definitely a better option than drowning myself in the toilet, as I've considered doing.
But a girl can only dream...
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Brilliant series really enjoyed
I looove this series as I do ALL of the books I own.. in spite of the typos, these are deliciously dark stories!! I can’t get enough 🤩🤩🤩
It's still in the queue to be read and I'll post up when I'm done.... probably closer to January 2022 as there are 17 books ahead of it.
brillent loved this book
Wow what a newly imagined twist on a magical paranormal romance . Travel from modern to not, experience family loss, discover inner strength and a self peace. And follow a developing love!
This could roll out into an amazing series!
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